“There’s a lot of guilt with being a single working parent; you feel like a horrible mother because you are letting daycare raise your child…”

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“There’s a lot of guilt with being a single working parent; you feel like a horrible mother because you are letting daycare raise your child. But if you can’t bring home enough money because you want to be with your child, you feel like a horrible mother because you can’t afford to support your child. I really wish I could have afforded dance lessons for her. But at least I kept a roof over her head. She had to be a latch key kid pretty early. At 9 she walked herself home, let the neighbor of our duplex know she was home, and she locked the doors, took care of her animals, and did any homework.  We couldn’t afford a phone, but the neighbor would call if necessary. By the time she was 12 she was cooking supper 4 nights a week as well. I believe that is one reason she is so independent, she almost had to raise herself, it seems. She’s also a fantastic cook. I have so much sympathy and understanding for single parents. If I had had the resources I would have been a stay at home mom and homeschooled, but I didn’t, and she turned out great.”


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