“Six months after my daughter was born her father and I separated and…”

“Six months after my daughter was born her father and I separated and my life was turned upside-down. The stress of the situation paired with my anxiety caused me to lose a lot of weight, reaching 103 pounds. After nearly 4 years of being a stay at home mom I had to start working along with going to school full time. It was incredibly tough and I cried many times but I knew that what I was doing was to better our life so I pushed on. Being so busy and so stressed, I again dropped down to 103 pounds. At that point it was very obvious to those around me that something was wrong. But with support from friends and family I began to gain weight in a healthy way. Somehow through everything I managed to keep nursing my daughter. I now weigh 116 pounds and am still working on gaining but it takes constant effort, eating [good] food often and weight training to gain muscle.”



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