“I am proud of and a bit surprised…”

“I am proud of and a bit surprised that my nursing relationship with my first son lasted until he was over two years old. I knew the “health benefits” of breastfeeding, but quickly learned that the emotional benefits for both my child and myself extended well past what words can define. It wasn’t the easiest start for us – the hospital pressured us to supplement on our second night there, as my son was inconsolable and losing weight despite me almost constantly nursing. I sobbed the night he received formula, feeling as though my body had failed us. The new plan became an exhausting cycle of feeding him what had previously been pumped, nursing, and then pumping again (and repeat) for days until my milk came in. It would have been easy to give up, but one of my greatest strengths is perseverance. Once the milk really came in and I found our most comfortable nursing position in the comfort of our own home, we got into a groove. I know that some mothers as stubborn as myself have not been as lucky as I was. I am deeply grateful. I came to learn that nursing not only provided my son all the nutrients and immunities he needed, but also healed all pains, brought us both back to calm, made me feel like a goddess, and truly bonded us forever. I cried the day this journey ended with him (already almost 8 weeks pregnant with my second child). Tears of many different emotions. Pride that we endured this long and for everything I was able to provide for him. Sadness for myself as I loved gazing down at his peaceful and satisfied face during this unique act. A little bit of guilt that I was relieved to get a break before the next baby arrived. The glaring reality that my boy was not a baby any more. Not knowing if he would “need” me as much from that point on. Wondering how I would console him in new ways when we had both always trusted nursing to do the trick. Amazement that my body gave us both this beautiful gift we would cherish forever. I am very much looking forward to my nursing relationship with my second son in just a few more months.”

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